
Microsoft Exchange Under Attack
Microsoft issued a CRITICAL out-of-band security patch which fixes four zero-day vulnerabilities which could lead to compromised email server.

Cybersecurity insurance coverage costs expected to increase 20%-50% in 2021
In report recently issued by insurance giant AON, policyholders can expect 20% to 50% rate increases for cyber coverage throughout 2021 much of it driven by ransomware events.

NFA and FINRA Warn Registrants to Be Alert for Fake E-mails
Both NFA and FINRA have recently issued warnings to registrants to be on the lookout for fake e-mails appearing to be from the two organizations.

Ransomware-as-a-Service Franchise Advertised on the Dark Web
DarkSide announced their RaaS franchise model, inviting partners and affiliates to work with them anonymously.

Can Ransomware Get any worse?!
Ransomware is a nefarious activity has been ongoing for years and will get worse for the foreseeable future.

FINRA Addresses Customer Account Takeovers (ATOs)
FINRA issued recent notice for an alarming increase in customer account takeovers (ATOs) related to cyber and financial fraud.

What is a ransomware attack and how did it happen to Colonial Pipeline?
A recent ransomware attack halted Colonial pipeline, forced a $4.4mil ransom, and left ½ of America in a gas crisis. Most companies are equally at risk.

Current Trends in the Cyber Insurance Market: GAO’s Findings
GAO conducted a study on the cyber insurance market to identify key trends/challenges and presented their findings for all to view.

White House Advisory on Ransomware
The White House issued a statement to Corporate Executives and Business Leaders advising what to do to protect against the threat of Ransomware.